
Archimedes: Eureka! (Platinum)
time:2024-07-03 visits:8

Archimedes: Eureka! is an interesting strategyfor android devices from the creators of 12 Labs of Hercules VII . The game’s plot starts from the moment when Archimedes creates royal teen pattihis new invention and decides to test it. Hercules decided to compete with the invention, but loses! A sudden gust of wind suddenly breaks the device, which is why the whole city of Syracuse tus into ruins. Download free on android Archimedes: Eureka! and help Archimedes to restore the destroyed city! Bright cartoon graphics, interesting gameplay and comfortable controls are waiting for you. For you, prepared more than 100 interesting levels. Build real estate, bridges, portals, postal lines and all that will be necessary for residents. Step by step rebuild the city and be careful in testing inventions!CPU---Android OS2.3Open GL---Free Space 224.82 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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