
Team Conquest
time:2024-05-13 visits:25

Team Conquest - combination of online action and strategy game Rocket League for Android devices .Dynamic online battles Entertaining action game on Android with spectacular strategic multiplayer battles. Here, players will be divided into two teams of 3 members each, and then they will converge with each other in spectacular, dynamic and fast battles, using multi-colored paint instead of weapons and capturing enemy territories. You can download free online action game for Android and take part in crazy real-time tactical battles. Quick and spectacular matches You can play alone or team up and take part in tactical battles in a 3v3 format. To win, you will need to spray as much paint of your color as possible and get around your opponents in this. There are several game modes here: the first one will invite you to capture as many territories as possible, the second one will be the last artist in a single game, and the third mode is made in the style of conquering the tower, where you will need to defend your territories and crush enemy towers. You can also combine different colors and shades to create a unique color from a variety of options.CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 100.68 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
