
Aralon Sword and Shadow 3d RPG
time:2024-05-13 visits:35

Fun Adventure

Aralon Sword and Shadow is a 3D single player RPG. In this game, you can enjoy all the delights of a real RPG, roam the vast universe, buy a variety of equipment, ride mounts and upgrade your hero in any convenient way . So what makes this game different from the rest of the MMORPG? That you can play it alone! The developers have carefully tried to make the world diverse, interesting quests, and dynamic battles. This is understandable, because they already have several masterpieces in their piggy bank, among which are Topia World, Optical Inqusitor and Shadow Blade.

CPU---Android OS5.1Open GL---Free Space 641.11 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInteroriental ProsperitynetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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